Are you looking for a way to brighten up your appearance, and give you a more youthful and fresh appearance? Are you a big coffee drinker or wine-lover, leading to stains on your teeth that are just too difficult to clear away on your own? All of our teeth develop staining and darken over time. While there is no way to truly prevent all tooth discoloration, there are treatments that truly work and can bring your smile up several shades on the whiteness and brightness scales. Our
Bogota cosmetic dentist here at Teaneck Dentist has provided many patients with amazing whitening results with the use of the KöR deep whitening system. The KöR whitening system has been studied and ranked as one of the most effective and reliable whitening systems available for patients today. The KöR system is so successful because it restores the teeth’s ability to absorb oxygen, and in doing so the oxygen present in the KöR whitening gel is easily absorbed, and stain molecules are dissolved.
Teaneck Kör Whitening Treatments
Another significant difference between KöR and other whitening systems is that KöR results are permanent. Once our
Bogota cosmetic dentist has used the KöR system on your smile, you will not need to worry about extra maintenance at home or scheduling return visits for further whitening sessions. In addition to being highly successful, the KöR system is also notably safe and healthy. It has been studied thoroughly and has proven to do no harm to the teeth or gums. As you can see, there are a whole host of benefits associated with the KöR system for you to consider. Our
Bogota cosmetic dentist would love to show you how KöR whitening can work for you.
If you would like to learn more about KöR or any of the other various services made available by our
Bogota cosmetic dentist here at Teaneck Dentist, we encourage you to visit our practice’s main website to browse through some additional information that you might find useful. If you have any questions or concerns that you would like addressed, do not hesitate to contact our staff for assistance.
KöR Whitening System Bogota
1008 Teaneck Road, Suite C
Teaneck, NJ 07666
(201) 719-9305
By Teaneck Dentist
May 23, 2014
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